If America and China fight, India will grow?

frame If America and China fight, India will grow?

Sudha Subbiah

With donald trump taking over the reins of America on january 20, a new world order is expected to be established in the world. Along with this, tensions between America and china are also expected to deepen. But this disaster is a big opportunity for India. Global rating agency moody's has also confirmed this. moody's has clearly said in its report that if America and china fight, india will grow. In its report on the Asia-Pacific region, the global rating agency has expressed the possibility of India's business relations with America and europe improving due to the tension between America and china in 2025.

Why has moody's said this?

The meaning of india getting benefit in the fight between America and china in moody's report is very deep. This means that in case the cold war between America and china deepens, there can be more investments in India. Apart from this, indian companies are likely to get more orders from America and Europe. At the same time, new possibilities can also arise for india in the world's employment market. However, the report also says that if the tension between America and china deepens for a long time, then it can also have an adverse effect on India. Especially in the event of economic sanctions on china, economic production in the Asia-Pacific region may decrease. india can also be a victim of this. Now it remains to be seen how much the tension between America and china deepens. But moody's has just given this report and created a new debate on possibilities.

Questions will remain on India's credibility

moody's has also said that on one hand there is talk of india getting benefits from the tension between America and china, on the other hand, due to India's poor fiscal situation, India's credibility will also remain in question in 2025. Poor fiscal situation means more expenditure than income. moody's report says that due to the improvement in the financial scene at the global and regional level, demand has increased at the domestic level and inflation is also almost stabilizing.


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