This news has created a stir in the entire GST department

frame This news has created a stir in the entire GST department

S Venkateshwari

Reportedly the GST department was given strict instructions by the government to curb the illegal trade of paan masala and iron. Under this, instructions were given to take action against businessmen who carry goods without bills, more than capacity and tax evasion. The GST department was asked to match the goods coming out of the godown, warehouse or company of the businessmen, and dispose of the goods by 100% scanning of its e-way bill. For this, the teams of the GST department were constantly asked to stand outside the godown, arch of such paan masala traders and check the goods coming out of the vehicle.

Perhaps despite the strict orders received from the government, the officers were seen being negligent, where the goods were taken out without scanning. This was caught and the matter reached the government. Now the officers have also come under the ambit of this action and action is being taken to suspend the guilty officers. A framework has been prepared for action against the officers. It is reported that the names of many big GST officers are involved in this action. Action was taken by the State Tax Commissioner against four careless officers of kanpur, who are accused of letting the goods go from the hideouts of pan masala traders without scanning. This goods coming from kanpur was caught by the officers in Lucknow.

Four officers of kanpur were held responsible for negligence in this matter and action of suspension was taken against them. In such a situation, now the clouds of action are looming over other careless officers as well.

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