Singh's Memorial: Is BJP Really at Fault?
Ah, politics – the never-ending game where everyone plays with the same rules: never miss an opportunity to stir controversy, especially when a solemn occasion calls for unity and respect. Take, for example, the unfortunate demise of Dr. manmohan Singh, the quiet architect of India’s economic reforms and a man who could charm his way through a global economic crisis while keeping his composure.
But, alas, this is politics, and even a funeral cannot be spared from the spectacle.
Cue the Samajwadi party (SP) and Bahujan Samaj party (BSP), who have now become the unofficial ‘guardians of decency,’ urging the central government to rise above its ‘narrow-minded thinking.’ According to SP chief Akhilesh Yadav, the bjp is on the verge of committing a political sin of such magnitude that “history will never forgive them.” The issue? Where to build a memorial for the late prime minister.

But really, are we to blame the bjp for anything here? After all, memorials are a tricky business. The bjp has a history of making sure everything is in its place – and I mean everything. Who can forget the meticulousness with which the party handles even the smallest of details? So, when congress president mallikarjun Kharge suggested that Singh’s memorial should be built where his legacy truly fits, the bjp must have thought, “Well, let’s get this right. No room for mistakes here.”
Akhilesh Yadav, however, believes the memorial should be at Rajghat, the ‘ultimate’ tribute to a former PM. But was Rajghat reserved only for certain kinds of PMs? Should Singh’s legacy be limited to some obscure corner, or should it reflect his pivotal role in India's economic and political evolution?
And then, there’s Mayawati, ensuring no one forgets the family’s wishes. She insists that Singh’s family, along with the Sikh community, must have their way. While we’re all for respecting family sentiments, let’s not forget that in the land of politics, "sentiments" often become another word for "political leverage."
But wait, the Ministry of home Affairs has saved the day, assuring the public that a place for Singh’s memorial will be allocated, and congress and Singh’s family have already been informed. Hooray for bureaucracy, where decisions take time, but at least no one is left wondering.
So, is the bjp really to blame here? For wanting to make sure everything is just so? Or is it the opposition parties, jumping at the first opportunity to turn a funeral into a political battleground? Only time will tell, but let’s data-face it – when has a funeral ever been just a funeral in the world of indian politics?