VHP leader's big claim on temple-mosque dispute!

frame VHP leader's big claim on temple-mosque dispute!

Sudha Subbiah

Amid the ongoing dispute over temple-mosque in the country, a big statement has come from the joint general secretary of vishwa Hindu Parishad, Dr. Surendra Jain. He said that mosques have been built on lakhs of temples in this country. We had asked for only mathura, Kashi and ayodhya from the Muslim community. If the Muslim community agrees to this, then the Hindu community can stop for once.

Dr. Surendra Jain said that "The whole world knows that Muslim invaders demolished lakhs of Hindu temples in india and built mosques there. In 1984, the saints of india had given a good proposal to the Muslims that if you return only three places mathura, Kashi and ayodhya to us, we will forget the lakhs of temples. The Muslim leadership and the leaders who claim to be secular are responsible for the situation today.

Muslim society should return Mathura-Kashi

The VHP general secretary further said that we have taken Ayodhya. But, we have taken it after fighting in the court. If the Muslims had come forward at that time and returned those three places to us, then this issue would not have come up. Now the remaining two are left, if we give them both too, then I think that we will be able to explain to the awakened class in the society that this work cannot be done everywhere.

On the statement of Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat, he said that what the Sarsanghchalak has said is right, but he has said it for everyone. If the case is going on in the court somewhere, let the court decide it. But they are on the streets We will come out, protest, shout slogans of 'separate heads from the body'. What kind of a method is this? Everyone should wait for the justice of the judiciary. On the statement of the saints, Surendra Jain said that they have expressed their feelings. It is clear from their feelings that the Hindu society is not going to stop. They still have time, hand over mathura and Kashi to us, the Hindu society can stop for once for harmony and amity.

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