Many Muslims add 'Mullah' to their name, why?
Usually people of many religions live in India, this is the identity and specialty of our country. You will find people of every religion and community at one place, which presents a perfect example of unity in diversity. There are also different castes in these religions. There are many types of castes in Muslim religion too, some common surnames include Khan, Syed, Pathan, Qureshi, Sheikh, Ansari etc. Meanwhile, there is also a surname which you have probably never heard. Many Muslims add the word Mullah to their name. Today we will give you information about this caste or surname.
What does 'Mullah' mean?
The word 'Mullah' is derived from the Persian word 'Mullah', which is derived from the Arabic word 'Maula'. The word Maula means 'master' and 'guardian'. The word 'Mullah' is used for people who have qualifications in Islamic religious education and for the local Islamic religious leader or Imam of the mosque. Rekhta.org is a popular urdu website and dictionary, whose founder is sanjeev Saraf. According to Rekhta, 'Mullah' is a respectful and honorific title among Muslims for a person who is a Sharia scholar, Mudarris and Faqih.
Why do people add 'Mullah' after their name?
The word 'Mullah' is commonly used for a person who has Islamic knowledge. However, it is not an official title, but a family surname for many Muslims. It was used historically for those who were particularly adept in religious education and Islamic knowledge, such as in India, a religious scholar is called 'Pandit' and his family members also use this title. To know more about 'Mulla', we spoke to some people who add 'Mulla' to their names. Karnataka's famous social worker Iqbal Mulla adds 'Mulla' to his name. He told that this name has been in his family for generations.