Bharatiya Janata Party's hidden agenda is behind elections...?

S Venkateshwari
Bharatiya Janata Party's hidden agenda is behind elections...?

The government may bring a bill for holding simultaneous elections in the entire country in the next session. The report of the committee formed for this has come and it is mostly in its favour. But according to the election Commission, "machines estimated to cost ten thousand crore rupees will need to be bought and replaced every fifteen years." In addition, the expense of upkeep must be considered." The Parliamentary Committee's 79th report primarily makes the following reasons in support of concurrent elections for the lok sabha and state assemblies:

a) elections have become more and more expensive along with being a big budgetary matter and in most of the cases the amount spent by the candidates is more than the amount prescribed by the election Commission.

b) Due to the implementation of the code of conduct, the development programs and activities of the Union and State Governments in the state where voting is taking place come to a halt. It also affects the general government. This often leads to policy inefficiency and lack of administration.

c) The election cycle disrupts normal life and affects the functioning of essential services. Political rallies cause road traffic chaos and noise pollution.

d) Once elections are held, it will free up vital manpower that is often deployed for long periods on election duty.

f) Voting percentage will also increase and public holidays will be reduced.

g) Above all, the elected government will have good governance so that it can fulfil its election promises.

h) It encourages political parties to give away freebies and promise populist schemes.

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