Social media Superstar..!! So many followers for Rajini..!?
* vidadala rajini has a record number of followers on data-facebook and Twitter.
* Rajini follows only jagan and Bharti on Facebook.
* There are no women leaders who have so many followers.
It is known that political celebrities do not have a fan following on social media at the same level as movie celebrities. Rajini, who worked as an mla and minister and earned a special identity for himself, is not getting the expected results in this election and is becoming a hot topic on the social media platform. Many feel that the air of alliance in ap is why she did not get the desired results. Former minister vidadala rajini has 7 lakh followers on data-facebook alone. She is following only three accounts on social media. It is noteworthy that one is her own account and the other two accounts are YS Jagan's account and the other is YS Bharti's account. She believes that even if the desired results are not achieved in this election, she will get good results in the next election.