Modi's attitude will not change in AP..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Modi's attitude will not change in AP..!?
* If you hope that the Center will give you a special status, it is greedy.
* There are many instances where the Modi government has shown a stubborn hand to the state.
* Is it better if ap is strict about the Centre?
In the past ten years, the Modi government that came to power at the center has shown more stubbornness than good for the state. In terms of railway zone, in terms of projects, in terms of funds to the state, in terms of packages, it can be said that the good done by the center to the state is not much. Whenever the center data-faces any difficulty, it needs the support of ap leaders. Only if there is direct or indirect support from ap leaders, the center will not data-face any problems. However, the center is not making a profit but is causing a loss to AP. Looking at the behavior of the Modi government, it is understandable that even hoping for special status from the Center would be greedy. It seems that ap is given more priority in every budget, but actually, the priority given to the state is not much.
Without the support of ap leaders, it would have been difficult to gain power at the center. However, there is a tendency of the center to have ap leaders only for their needs. Many people also feel that the Center is being tough, especially with the southern states. It can be said that if the attitude of the center does not change, then there will be a situation of loss of power in the future. Chandrababu should also take steps towards allocating as much total funds as possible to the state in view of the financial conditions of the state. It can be said that the more benefits the state has in the next five years, the faster the state will develop. Comments are being heard that it would be better if the leaders of ap act in such a way that the Center will support the state only if it is good for it. Opinions are expressed that it would be better if narendra modi takes steps towards doing good for the state in the coming days.

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