Modi's Red carpet for foreign countries..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Modi's red carpet for foreign countries..!?
- 40% tax reduction for foreign companies.
- Modi is destroying domestic companies..?
- Center's publicity stunt on Mudra loans..?
Has the 3.0 nda government led by prime minister Narendra Modi deceived the people across the country? That is what the industrialists say. Together they spread the country like a red carpet for foreign countries. This is not difficult to understand. Very easy. Union Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said two things in the budget.

1) We will make india a foreign manufacturing hub.
2) Reduction of corporate tax from 40 percent to 35 percent for foreign companies (ie those incorporated in India).
If these two things are observed, Modi's budget illusion is clear. On the one hand, it is said that india will be transformed into a manufacturing hub. In other words, Modi's budget slogan is that through Make india, we will encourage cottage industries in remote villages, thereby increasing employment and job opportunities, thus eliminating the unemployment data-faced by the country. Let's say ok. Let's believe the truth. A lot of things are manufactured near us so let's think that we can get a cheap car. This is a first!
Now, when it comes to the second issue, they have extended the red carpet to foreign companies. That is reducing corporate taxes. Thus, foreign companies are invited into the country. Foreign companies will not come if there is a burden of taxes. So In this context, taxes on them have been reduced. As a result, foreign companies should come in droves, the summary of the budget. If this happens won't the companies where they came sit with their hands folded? They also increase productivity. Thus.. the demand for local products is sure to fall. No wonder foreign companies gave the cars cheaply in the early days. Because they are investment companies. But even if Modi sir gets a chance to make promises to create employment by giving mudra loans here and setting up cottage industries.

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