Oops!! Crumbling Gujarat Infrastructure!!
In this thrilling game, the contestants are judged not by how well they build things, but by how spectacularly they can let them fall apart. The latest episode features the "Great Bridge Collapse Challenge," where bihar is proudly leading with a staggering 13 bridges down in just two weeks. The gujarat team isn’t far behind, celebrating with a recent bridge collapse of their own.
The plot thickens with the "Architectural Magic Trick Contest" – where we’re promised new temples, highways, and airports, only to discover they come with their own built-in surprises: leaks, cracks, and the occasional sinkhole. The Pragati Maidan tunnel has become a cult classic, with a reputation for being open less than a Kardashian’s closet.
Adding a comedic twist, the “Neta-Babu-Business Nexus” is like the ultimate backstage pass – the exclusive club where bribery and shortcuts are the VIP tickets. Picture this: politicians, officials, and contractors huddling together in a secret meeting, brainstorming how to make a public building crumble gracefully.
In the realm of hospitals, we’re seeing a real-life game of “Who Wants to be a Fake Doctor?” – where unlicensed doctors and dubious practices become the norm. It’s a wild world where cancer drugs are faked, kidneys are sold like rare Pokémon cards, and fire safety regulations are treated as mere suggestions.
And, as a final twist in this grand drama, imagine a private university in rajasthan handing out degrees like party favors at a wedding. What’s next? Diplomas with a side of “How To” manuals for dodging legal trouble?