Balance of power in Central Asia...

S Venkateshwari
Balance of power in Central Asia...

The US has already suffered the consequences of its policy of providing protection to Pakistan. Pakistan's double standards in the matter of afghanistan have given rise to a new concept of balance of power in South and Central Asia. The US accepts India's role at the global level. 

As a result, the US, Australia, Japan, and india form the Quad. 

American strategists are aware of the fact that India's relations with china are tense due to the data-border dispute. Therefore, democratic india will not prove to be an obstacle in protecting American interests.

India is in favor of protecting the sovereignty and integrity of every country. Due to this policy, it did not support the Russian attack on Ukraine, but this visit of prime minister Modi has proved to be very important for russia as well because now Putin's country can say that there is a place for it in the world of democratic nations.

India is a major player in the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" as well. In the nations of Central Asia, indian culture is widely accepted. This enhances India's diplomatic efforts. The citizens of the erstwhile Soviet Republic will never forget "Great Showman" raj Kapoor. His films also show the camaraderie between russia and India.

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