Aggressive Putin is also a friend of India...

S Venkateshwari
Aggressive Putin is also a friend of India...

Current President Vladimir Putin is adopting an aggressive tone to protect his country from the expansion of NATO. Ignoring the threats of Western european countries and the United States, Putin is taking tough steps against Ukraine. His overconfidence could have been suicidal, but his steps are not faltering due to giving top priority to his national interests. The failure of the Warsaw Pact and the continuous expansion of NATO, on the contrary, shows the success of American strategy. Therefore, the action of the Russian military forces cannot be considered completely wrong. india is aware of the importance of this trusted friend country.

How strong the India-Russia friendship is is also confirmed by the fact that when sanctions were imposed against russia for attacking Ukraine, india ignored it and continued to buy oil. After the globalization of the economy, there was a major change in indian foreign policy towards America. For the last two decades, warmth has been felt in India-US relations. The rise of the indian diaspora in the US has changed the American leadership's attitude towards india, which has discouraged the tendency to look at each other with suspicion.

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