From "Dattaputrudu" to "Nara Lokesh"!!

Sindujaa D N
Jagan Mohan Reddy, known for his creative nicknames "Dattaputrudu" (Adopted Son) and "Uttaputrudu" (Waste Son) when referring to nara lokesh and Pawan Kalyan, has finally decided to use their actual names. It's as if he's turned over a new leaf, or perhaps he's just tired of the constant guessing game about who he's talking about.
In a surprising twist at a recent press meet, jagan wished "Pawan Kalyan" a successful tenure, and today, he broke years of tradition by mentioning "Nara Lokesh" by name while discussing the infamous red book. jagan noted, "Lokesh has one red book, Chandrababu has a red book, and everyone in the government has a red book," making it sound like a government office is a literary club, except all the books are red and probably full of grievances.
This newfound respect (or resignation) from jagan comes after a significant shift in political power. lokesh, who once data-faced defeat in mangalagiri and seemed overshadowed by Jagan's 151 MLAs, has staged a comeback, energizing the tdp and propelling them to power. It's as if lokesh found a cheat code to political revival, and jagan has finally acknowledged it.
While this public acknowledgment might seem trivial to the soaring lokesh, for jagan, it represents a reluctant nod to the new political dynamics in Andhra Pradesh. It's almost like a reluctant admission that the once-underdog lokesh is now a force to be reckoned with. So, here's to jagan and his newfound willingness to play nice and call his political rivals by their actual names—baby steps, right?

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