A fight between Chandrababu and Harikrishna...!?

Sowmiya Sriram
A fight between Chandrababu and Harikrishna...!?
- Babu who honored NTR's son with the minister of Transport.
- Harikrishna, who formed the tdp after falling out with Babu.
-  Chandrababu gave a rajya sabha seat to Dr. Harikrishna.
Whether it's small or big, a problem is a problem! No matter how many such problems are data-faced in personal life, it is not easy to solve the problems data-faced while leading a party in a state. In 1997 Chandraba Babu had the same problem. At that time, his elder brother Rudu Harikrishna was the transport minister in Chandrababu's cabinet. Whatever the reasons, Babu's dissatisfaction with his performance increased.
Cabinet ministers also said the same. As such, he cannot be sidelined. There is no warning. With this, he decided to step into the field himself and put aside the then-private operators. This led to a lot of confusion. Harikrishna could not digest the direct fingering in his branch. With this, Harikrishna came out. Moreover, he threw his own party. He founded a party named Anna TDP. Not only that, All those who are fond of Annagari are called to come.
Harikrishna tours were also done across the state. This caused a big uproar in TDP. Who is going with him? There was a discussion about who was staying with Chandrababu. It was at this time that Chandrababu had to data-face a big challenge. But, he didn't get anywhere. He displayed his wisdom. minister posts were given to key leaders. A strict system was established in the party. He brought the achievements of the government into the campaign. It became very useful for Chandrababu.

Harikrishna also caused fear in those who went with him. How will their future change? The question was made to arise in them. As a result, the telugu desam party failed. At last, Harikrishna again reached Chandrababu. Even though the party turned against him. Chandrababu did not care about them and gave rajya sabha seat to Dr. Harikrishna. This along with strengthening the party in the later period, Chandrababu's meticulous politics also became a compass for other leaders.

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