Rules and irregularities of fee hike!!!

Rules and irregularities of fee hike!!!

• It is necessary to take permission from the state government to increase the fees by more than 15 percent. It is mandatory to give information 90 days before increasing the fees.

• It is mandatory to enter the audit report in the portal, but private schools did not do so. Manipulation has also been found in the audit.

• The rule says that if a school earns 15 percent more in annual income after all expenses, then it cannot increase the fees. This rule has also been broken arbitrarily.

250 complaints received by the district administration

The district administration had received about 250 complaints related to the arbitrariness of the schools. 11 schools were selected for their investigation. 8 SDMs, 12 Tehsildars, 25 education officers and 60 other employees were engaged in the investigation work.

After hearing the matter in the open and giving the schools a chance to present their side, 80 cases has been registered against 51 people by the district administration. 30 cases have been registered against school management, 5 against book sellers and 16 against publishers.

Education can become cheaper by 40%

The investigation conducted by the collector has made it clear that private schools had made education expensive by illegally increasing the fees. The data of the investigation of 11 schools has revealed that the fees were illegally increased by 25 to 40%. Now when the fee hike in these schools will be withdrawn, education will automatically become cheaper.

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