Why does Israel consider Iran a threat?

S Venkateshwari

Why does israel consider iran a threat?

In fact, for a long time, israel has been alleging that iran is busy preparing a nuclear bomb and israel considers Iran's nuclear program as a threat to its existence. This is the reason why in response to Iran's attack on israel on april 13, israel targeted the city of Isfahan, which houses Iran's nuclear installation. However, iran claims that there was no loss in that attack. Even before this, israel had bombed Iraq's reactor in 1981 and Syria's nuclear site in 2007. However, most of Iran's nuclear sites are built deep underground, making them difficult to reach.

At what point did israel invade Iran?

November 2020: Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, an Iranian nuclear scientist, was killed in a roadside attack outside of Tehran. He was regarded by Western and Israeli security agencies as the founder of Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program. 

Iran held israel accountable for this killing. Rear-Admiral ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's supreme National Security Council, claimed that israel had used electronic equipment to carry out the operation, meaning that no one was present at the scene when Fakhrizadeh was killed by a robotic machine gun mounted on a truck that was parked by the side of the road in an interview with an Iranian tv channel following the assassination. This machine gun's human operator apparently operated from 1,500 kilometers away, from an unidentified location. This was the first operation when an AI gun was used to kill someone on foreign soil.

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