India considering the possibility of tourism in Antarctica...

S Venkateshwari

India considering the possibility of tourism in Antarctica...

India is also making efforts for the possibility and development of tourism in Antarctica. Internal work is also being done regarding this. Recently, an Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting was also held in Kochi, India. For the first time, a working group focused on tourism in antarctica discussed and talked about providing facilities. This means that india now has its eyes on other islands also. Talks will be held between the National Center for Polar and Ocean Research under the Ministry of Earth Sciences and goa and the Antarctic Treaty secretariat in Kochi, Kerala between 20 and 30 May. The possibilities and paths of development will be explored in this. More than 350 participants from about 40 nations will participate in it.

Antarctica and tourism

India 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting i.e. 26th meeting of ATCM and Environmental Protection Committee! In this, india has agreed to play an important role in facilitating for the first time a focused discussion on introducing tourism in Antarctica. The Antarctic Treaty is a multilateral agreement signed in 1959 by 56 parties. According to its provisions, ATCM and CEP high-level global annual meetings are organized. In these meetings, Antarctic Treaty member states discuss issues related to science, policy, governance, management, conservation and security of Antarctica. CEP i.e. Committee on Environmental Protectionwas established in 1991 under the Protocol on Environmental Protection of the Antarctic Treaty (Madrid Protocol).

The CEP advises the ATCM on environmental protection and security in Antarctica. india has been a consultative party to the Antarctic Treaty since 1983. India also plays a key role in conducting scientific exploration and environmental protection of antarctica, along with 28 other advisory parties. It also has the right to propose and vote on decisions and proposals taken in ATCM in matters of administration, scientific research, environmental protection and logistical cooperation. Apart from this, india can establish research centres. india is also interested in conducting scientific programs and logistics related operations. india can also enforce environmental regulations and access scientific data and research findings shared by Antarctic Treaty members.

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