Engine on fire: Air India plane made an emergency landing!

Engine on fire: air india plane made an emergency landing!

An air india flight from Bangalore to Cochin had to make an emergency landing after an engine caught fire

An air india Express flight from Bengaluru to kochi caught fire in its engine and was immediately landed at Bengaluru international airport, airport officials said.

Air india Express said in a statement that all passengers and crew were immediately evacuated after the plane landed and no one was injured.

According to reports, the fire was detected within minutes of take off. Subsequently, the flight staff immediately alerted the air traffic controller and a full-scale emergency was declared. The fire was brought under control after landing at Bangalore's Kempegowda international Airport.

"Air india Express flight IX 1132 from Bangalore to kochi on May 18 at 11.12 pm landed at Bengaluru international Airport." airport spokesperson said. Subsequently, a full-scale emergency was declared. The fire was extinguished immediately after the plane landed. He said that 179 passengers and 6 crew members were safely evacuated from the plane.

An air india Express spokesperson said the flight was grounded as a precaution as the right engine was suspected to have caught fire within minutes of take-off. He also said that a full-scale investigation has been ordered.

Earlier, an air india Express flight which took off from delhi to Bengaluru with 175 passengers yesterday evening was immediately re-landed at the delhi airport due to a fire in the air conditioning unit.

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