Major accident in Nuh, fire broke out

Major accident in Nuh, fire broke out…

A major accident took place on KMP Expressway near Nuh, haryana late on friday night. A bus filled with devotees caught fire due to unknown reasons, killing more than 20 people. Of these, 8 people died by burning alive. At the same time, more than 12 people have suffered serious burns.

Devotees were returning after visiting religious places

It is being told that the accident took place on Kundli Manesar Palwal Expressway around 1.30 in the night. There were about 60 people in the bus. All the devotees had gone out to visit religious places and were returning from Banaras and Vrindavan. During this time this accident happened. On receiving information about the fire, fire brigade vehicles also reached the spot. Along with this, local people also tried to control the fire. By the time the fire was brought under control, many people had burnt themselves.

Devotees are residents of chandigarh and Punjab.

The devotees traveling in the bus are residents of chandigarh and Punjab. Who were returning after visiting religious places.

The bus driver was not aware of the fire

People who came to help during the accident said that at around 1.30 in the night they saw flames rising from the moving bus. They called out and asked the driver to stop the bus but when he did not stop the bus, they chased the bus on their bike and informed the driver about the fire. But by the time the bus stopped the bus was on fire. The villagers tried to extinguish the fire, when the fire brigade and police were informed about the fire. But by the time people were taken out of the bus, they were burnt. He was immediately taken to the hospital. 8 people have died in the accident while more than 12 people have sustained serious burn injuries.

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