Sujana Chowdhury's Victory in Vijayawada is doubted..!?

Sowmiya Sriram

Sujana Chowdhury's victory in Vijayawada is doubted..!?

- sujana was defeated by the polling method.

- youth and new voters who are not interested in voting.

- Is the victory of ycp Asif certain with the effect on minority voters?

In vijayawada West Constituency, the polling percentage has decreased significantly. According to the latest figures given by the election Commission, only 66.46 percent of voting was registered. Also, 72.96 percent of the polling was recorded in the Central and 71.33 percent in the east constituency. In comparison to these two constituencies, the polling has decreased by 5 percent in vijayawada West. Compared to the last election.. it is almost the same. That means..the polling percentage has decreased.

Analysts are saying that a silent vote was cast at this time. With this, it seems that bjp candidate sujana Choudhary, who is in the ring, and a prominent industrialist, has fallen into a deal. Because... he calculated from the beginning that if the voting percentage increased... it would be in his favor. That's why he kept the traditional voters aside, new voters, and reached out to the middle class who were away from voting.

But.. if we look at the currently registered polling.. it is clear that only the traditional voter has voted. If you look at it in this form.. the minority classes who are traditional voters in the West are seen more in the Q lines. Other social classes were less visible. And, the youth did not come big. Calculations are coming that this result will be minus for Sujana. At the same time, there are expectations that Asif is better. When the minority groups asked him how he would support the bjp, he said in favor of them, "Your choice is my choice" and remained silent. It is said that the minority classes have stood by Asif. However.. all this also went on as a silent vote. Let's see who will win.

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