Why did India sign an agreement with Iran?

S Venkateshwari

Why did india sign an agreement with Iran?

After 42 years of negotiations, india has reached an agreement with iran regarding Chabahar Port. This agreement has been reached at a time when a warning of sanctions was issued by America. Chabahar Port is in the gulf of Oman, which connects europe and the Middle east through the indian Ocean. It was because of America that the talks regarding this were not being finalized for the last 40 years. In such a situation, the question arises that what happened now that despite America's bullying, india reached an agreement with iran on Chabahar? 

Where is Chabahar Port and why is it important?

This port is in the south-eastern part of iran, located in the gulf of Oman. It has two ports, one named shahid Kalantari and the other named shahid Behesti. Chabahar Port connects to the International North South Transport (INSTC) Corridor. INSTC starts from Russia, connecting to iran via Azerbaijan. Therefore it is considered important. It is also close to the indian Ocean and connects Europe along with the Middle East.

What agreement has been reached regarding Chabahar Port?

This agreement has been made for 10 years. Chabahar's shahid Behesti Port will be developed by India's india Ports Global Limited Company. The company will invest 37 crore dollars for this. After development under the agreement, the indian company will take care of its management.

When were there attempts to reach a compromise between the two?

For the first time in 1982, talks regarding this started between the two countries, but due to some reasons it could not be completed. An attempt was made to complete this agreement for the second time in 2002, but even then the deal could not be finalized between the two. In 2016 also, its rumors intensified, but the matter was put on hold. In 2021, iran announced to stop talks. iran said that india does not want to take interest in this matter.

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