Uddhav Thackeray Needs Psychiatrist

Uddhav thackeray Needs Psychiatrist...

Devendra fadnavis, Maharashtra’s deputy chief minister and bharatiya janata party (BJP) leader, in an exclusive interview with CNN-News18, said that uddhav Thackeray’s speeches show he “needs a psychiatrist". He called arvind kejriwal “shameless" for continuing as the delhi cm even after his arrest. In the interview, fadnavis divulged the details of the talks between him, home minister amit shah and the shiv sena in 2019, and said that the media takes congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='nationalist congress party-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">nationalist congress party (NCP) leader Sharad Pawar too seriously, even though the latter’s “birth as a cm happened because of the BJP".

Ahead of Mumbai’s voting on May 20, in which the bjp is in an alliance with the Shinde Sena and Ajit Pawar’s NCP, fadnavis maintained that alliance politics was here to stay in Maharashtra. “We will continue to strengthen our allies and will fight the state elections together," he said. Calling the congress deshdrohis (traitors), he said that their statements were helping Pakistan. When asked about the lok sabha poll battles in Baramati, thane and Kalyan, fadnavis said, “Look at Sharad Pawar’s body language…If you look at his history, whenever he has grown weak, he has merged into the Congress. And when he regained his strength, he left the Congress. He has done it over four-five times. He senses that he has lost Baramati to Ajit Pawar."

About Sharad Pawar’s prediction of 30-35 seats for the maha Vikas Aghadi (Congress-Uddhav Sena and his NCP), fadnavis said, “He has been very kind to us that he has given us at least 13 seats. maharashtra will be with our Mahayuti. The maharashtra navnirman sena (MNS), too, is with us. The political arithmetic is such that bjp is at the centre point. We have a formidable combination."

“Sharad Pawar is known to say things which mean something else. He does exactly opposite of what he says. Pawar became the cm for the first time by pulling down Vasantdada. Who was he with? Jan Sangh. He became the cm for the first time because of us. indira gandhi dissolved that government. Whenever he has grown weak, he has merged with the congress and has later come out of it. Pawar’s birth as a cm was because of the BJP. How can he say he believes in the Nehru-Gandhi ideology," he asked.

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