Auto driver misbehaved with girl

Auto driver misbehaved with girl…

A case that puts humanity to shame has come to light from Nagpur, Maharashtra. A case of obscene behavior with a minor school student by an auto driver has come to light in Nagpur. Someone captured this obscene act of the auto driver on his mobile. After the video of this case went viral on social media, the accused auto driver has been arrested by the police. The accused has been identified as vishal Deshmukh. The accused auto driver used to drop and bring the minor student to school every day.

People made a video of the accused's act

This whole matter is of Ajni Than area of Nagpur. While the auto driver was taking the victimized minor student home from school, he started doing obscene acts after seeing the victimized minor girl alone at a deserted place. During this time, some people on the spot shot this act of the auto driver with their mobile cameras.

Police caught after the video went viral

This incident is said to have happened two days ago, the video of the incident is going viral on social media. On the basis of the video, the police started investigation considering the seriousness of the matter and filed a case against the accused auto driver under the POCSO Act, arrested him and sent him to jail. police has also seized this auto. After the video of this incident went viral, questions have once again started being raised regarding the safety of children. On the other hand, there are many parents whose children come to school by auto and they are very upset with this. He is very worried about the safety of his children.

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