Vasudev Devnani angry at Sarwar Chishti's statement...

Sekar Chandra
Vasudev Devnani angry at Sarwar Chishti's statement...

Rajasthan assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani has strongly condemned the statement given by Sarwar Chishti, Secretary of 'Anjuman', the organization of servants of Ajmer Dargah, about Jain monks. Sarwar Chishti had issued an audio statement objecting to the Jain monks visiting the hut memorial without clothes for two and a half days.

A group of vishwa Hindu Parishad leaders and Jain monks had on tuesday reached the Dhai aadhi Din Ka Jhopra, a monument under the control of the Archaeological survey of india (ASI). Here he claimed that this monument was earlier a sanskrit school and before the school there was a Jain temple at that place. Under the leadership of sunil Sagar Maharaj, Jain monks reached the memorial from Fawara Circle via Dargah Bazaar.

According to him, Dhai aadhi Din Jhopra was earlier a sanskrit school and even before that it was a Jain temple. After the statement of Jain monks, an audio of Sarwar Chishti surdata-faced on social media. In this he said that he has lodged a complaint with the police after Jain monks went to this monument without clothes.

Now, while expressing a sharp reaction on Sarwar Chishti's statement, Vasudev Devnani said that Sarwar Chishti has insulted Sanatan culture by commenting on Jain monks. He should apologize to the entire Sanatan Samaj. Devnani said that Chishti's statement against Jain monks shows a very disgusting, unfortunate and distorted mentality. He also said that a letter will be written to the Archaeological survey of india to know the truth about the two and a half day hut.

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