Opposition in the House opened front against KK Pathak...


On wednesday (February 21), Grand Alliance MLAs opened a front in the house against kk Pathak, Additional Chief Secretary of the education Department. Grand alliance MLAs said that cm nitish kumar had said that school will run from 10 to 4 pm but kk Pathak is not listening even after this. However, nitish kumar got angry at the MLAs of the Grand Alliance in the House.

'Teachers will have to come 15 minutes earlier'

nitish kumar took a jibe at the opposition and said that these people do not know. We have already said yesterday that no one will move here and there. If anyone moves here and there, action will be taken against him. nitish kumar said a big thing for teachers. cm said in the house that we have already said yesterday that studies will be held from 10 am to 4 pm, but the teacher will have to come to school 15 minutes before 10 am. When the opposition created ruckus in the house, the chief minister said that it seems you people have not studied. You people don't know that this is the method which has already been in practice.

Actually, kk Pathak's order was that government schools would run from 9 am to 5 pm. On tuesday, the MLAs of the Grand Alliance had created a ruckus that an order had come from the bihar Cabinet that schools would run from 10 am to 4 pm but kk Pathak was not listening to the government. school is running from 9 to 5 pm. Then nitish kumar had said in the house that 10 to 4 will do. In such a situation, an order from the education Department came on tuesday evening that schools would operate from 10 to 4.

However, even after the CM's order, kk Pathak has not changed his decision. In the letter issued by the education Department, he has ordered to open schools from 10 am to 4 pm but has also given some other orders in video conferencing. He has issued an order that there will be consciousness session and attendance making work from 9 to 10 in the morning. Children will also come to school at 9 o'clock in any case.

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