Posters put up outside HAM chief's house amid political turmoil?

Sekar Chandra

The politics of bihar has created a stir from the state to Delhi. State chief minister Nitish Kumar has made up his mind to walk away from the Mahagathbandhan. It is said that there is opportunity hidden in disaster. In such a situation, the importance of Jitan ram Manjhi and his party Hindustani Awam Morcha has increased in the politics of Bihar.

Amidst the political disaster in the state, Jitan ram Manjhi has demanded that two party leaders be made ministers to join the government. Amidst all this, posters have been put up outside the residence of Hindustani Awam Morcha leader Jitan ram Manjhi, on which it is written 'It is spring in bihar, without Manjhi everything is useless.

In fact, Hindustani Awam Morcha leader Shyam Sundar sharan said that the way our party talks about the poor and works among them. In such a situation, we feel that our party should have at least two ministerial posts. With this we will be able to provide better services to the public. The aspirations of the workers should be fulfilled. Our leaders are standing with the Prime Minister.

Jitan ram Manjhi has four MLAs

Let us tell you that HAM chief and former chief minister of the state Jitan ram Manjhi has four MLAs. Manjhi is currently in NDA, but if we look at the mathematics of seats in bihar, then Manjhi is currently in the role of kingmaker in Bihar. Manjhi is also being offered an offer by the opposition alliance India. Jitan ram Manjhi also held a meeting with his MLAs on Saturday. After this meeting, Hindustani Awam Morcha said that it would support the PM's decision.


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