Strike from January 9! Transport unions notice!?

frame Strike from January 9! Transport unions notice!?

As no compromise was reached in the negotiations with the tamil Nadu government, they have announced that they will start the strike from january 9. The transport unions have announced that they will go on strike from january 9 after talks with the tamil Nadu government failed to reach an agreement.

The transport unions are presenting six demands to the tamil Nadu government, including filling up the vacant posts and giving jobs to those who are waiting to apply for jobs on compassionate grounds.

In this case, negotiations were held on behalf of the tamil Nadu government with the Transport Corporation unions in Chennai. In this, the officials of the Labor Welfare Department and the Transport Department held talks with the transport unions today. With no compromise reached in the tripartite talks, the transport union executives have decided to go on strike. They have announced that they will start the strike from january 9.

CITU, AITUC and HMS unions have announced separate strike action. The Anna Trade Union Council has also said that it will go on strike alone. Negotiations were held on behalf of the tamil Nadu government with the Transport Corporation unions in Chennai.

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