Sarvan, OBC, Muslim, Jat, Gurjar...who has how many votes?

  • If there are elections in any state of the country, caste votes also play a big role in victory or defeat. This is the
  • reason why political parties keep trying to woo their particular vote bank. Caste votes will play a big role in the
  • Rajasthan assembly elections. The exit poll of india Today Axis My india has also revealed that which party is
  • getting the votes of which particular caste. Shocking figures have emerged regarding the votes of sc, st,
  • Muslim, upper caste, Jat, gurjar and OBC communities.
  • Congress gets the maximum votes from this community
  • The main contest in rajasthan is between bjp and Congress. Exit polls show that congress may get maximum
  • votes from the Muslim community. 83 percent voters of Muslim community voted for Congress. Whereas after
  • that, scheduled caste (57) and Scheduled Tribe (51) voters have voted. At the same time, the upper castes have
  • voted the least at 22 percent. 36 percent votes of Jat community voters, 39 percent votes of Gurjars and 29
  • percent votes of OBC community have been obtained.
  • Upper castes showed confidence in BJP
  • Talking about bjp, according to the exit poll it has got maximum votes from the upper castes. 62 percent upper
  • caste voters cast their votes in favor of BJP. While 55 percent of OBC community voters, 43 percent Gurjars, 42
  • percent Jats, 29 percent st and 26 percent sc voters have voted for bjp, only five percent Muslim voters have
  • cast their votes for bjp candidates. Whereas, if we talk about other parties and candidates, they have got 17
  • percent scheduled caste, 20 percent Scheduled Tribe, 12 percent Muslim, 16 percent upper caste, 22 percent Jat,
  • 18 percent gurjar and 16 percent OBC votes.

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