Former CM Vasundhara Raje met Vijay Bansal and former MLA
Whereas former rajasthan Chief minister Vasundhara Raje, while going from Dholpur to Jaipur, stayed forsome time at the hotel of former Bharatpur mla Vijay Bansal. During this time, she met former city MLAAnita Singh, former Bharatpur bjp mla Vijay Bansal and former bjp mayor of Bharatpur MunicipalCorporation Shiv Singh Bhont at the hotel and after some time left for Jaipur. Many kinds of speculations arebeing made after this meeting.Vijay Bansal may return to BJPIn fact, BJP's Vijay Bansal has been mla from Bharatpur assembly twice and is considered close to formerChief minister Vasundhara Raje. Also, this time Vijay Bansal is also claiming for bjp ticket from Bharatpur,but Vijay Bansal has been expelled from the party for many years. Let us tell you that bjp has not yet declaredany candidate for Bharatpur assembly seat. In such a situation, after meeting Vasundhara Raje, there is a buzz inBharatpur politics that bjp is considering Vijay Bansal's return to the party.