Delhi Chief Minister's house scandal: CBI Investigation!?
Meanwhile, the Union home Ministry has ordered a cbi probe into the alleged irregularities in the renovation of the delhi Chief Minister's official residence. Meanwhile, reports have surdata-faced that the cbi has started a preliminary investigation into alleged irregularities including tender violation in the construction of a new residence for delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal. It has been reported that the preliminary investigation is going on against the unknown officials of the delhi government, and if there is any involvement in the investigation, the cbi will register an FIR. Also, the cbi has directed the Public Works Department under the delhi government to hand over all the documents related to the case by october 3.
On the basis of a 5-page letter written by delhi Lieutenant governor VK Saxena to the cbi director last May, the Chief Secretary of delhi was ordered to investigate the matter. After that, the cbi is likely to investigate all aspects of the irregularities that have come to light. Further, the Union home Ministry has also ordered a special audit by the Auditor General (CAG) in this matter.