Telangana Hyderabad Cops worried as gated communities turn havens for S*X racket, drugs
The activities are carried out in such a covert manner that other residents of such communities, including neighbors, won't be aware of the nearby prostitution and drug use. This alarming development is made apparent by the recent prostitute episode at the Alwal police station. Eight ladies were transported to the Sakhi center while six men were detained.
According to police sources, "the established organizations choose to live in gated neighborhoods and flats that have security guards to prevent outsiders from entering. To maintain confidentiality, a mix of alphabetic and numeric characters is used in a secret code. We were assaulted lately as we attempted to apprehend such operatives. We are concerned about the negative psychological effects on people in the neighborhood, thus this is a huge deterrent.
"Some people in apartments and gated communities do not bother much because they assume it to be a privacy issue and do not interfere," stated another police official. people must be conscious of their surroundings. They can alert the police to anything suspect in this way. After all, it is for their benefit and especially that of their children.