Police concluded the investigation in the controversial Mic case..!?

Sekar Chandra

police concluded the investigation in the controversial Mic case..!?

The investigation into the incident of microphone failure while the chief minister was speaking at the Oommen Chandy memorial has been closed. The report related to the case will be submitted to the court tomorrow. The government had already backed away from the case when the case became a huge controversy and was ridiculed by the public as well. chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan had instructed the police that only the investigation in the case is enough and no further action should be taken. The opposition leader, who mocked that people shouldn't be killed by laughing, had accused the Chief Minister's office of calling him and taking the case. police returned the seized mic and amplifier to the owner.

The thiruvananthapuram Cantonment police registered a case on account of the microphone malfunctioning for seconds. The FIR stated that the accused acted in such a way as to affect public safety by howling into the microphone while the chief minister was speaking. The police did not say that he was the accused in the case taken voluntarily. Apart from the case being filed, the mic operator and the owner of sv Sounds in Vatiyoorkau, Rajnith, had the mic, amplifier, and cables taken into custody by the police, and the reason for the controversy.

The mic and the equipment were handed over to Ranjith after the electronic section of the Public Works Department confirmed that the malfunction was not intentional. Relieved, Rajnith went to the next event with Mike. Although the case was closed, the incident became a big embarrassment for the state government.

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