On Saturday, telangana Governor tamilisai soundararajan sent greetings to the state's residents in honor of the Bonalu holiday. The traditional Bonalu celebration, according to the governor's statement, is a representation of Telangana's distinct culture and way of life. On this auspicious day of Bonalu, tamilisai prayed to the goddess Yellamma for the health, prosperity, peace, and advancement of all the people of india and Telangana.
"I send my warmest greetings and wishes to the people of Telangana. I once more ask Goddess Mahankali to bestow her divine blessings on all Telanganans on this auspicious day, she continued. The Bonalu holiday in telangana will be commemorated on Monday, July 17, according to the telangana State Portal Calendar for 2023. The day is included in the list of "general holidays."
The Hindu calendar's 'Ashada' month, which honors the goddess Mahankali, marks the start of the bonalu season. women in particular make food gifts to gods in pots with elaborate decorations. At Sri Simhavahini Mahankali temple in Lal Darwaza and Sri Akkanna Madanna Mahankali temple in Haribowli in Hyderabad's old city, the celebrations come to an end. Stay tuned with us for more updates.