Industry minister KT Rama Rao said prime minister K Chandrashekar Rao has introduced several innovative programs that have brought great benefits to the people. In addition, the city of telangana has earned honors for the effective implementation of such programs, and all this credit goes to government officials. He said telangana won the most awards in the Swaha Savekshan and Grameen rankings released by the union government, regardless of whether they are urban or rural groups.
Mumbai was India's economic capital, but only 9 percent of the city's sewage system was treated. hyderabad will become the first city in the country to offer nearly 100 sanitation services by September, he said during a speech here at Pattana Pragati Dinotsavam on Friday.
Telangana State government has introduced its revolutionary TS-BPASS which enables an online approval system for construction plans. In the past nine years, he has not had a single complaint from a contractor or construction company regarding delays or other irregularities. Instead, builders said other states had to pay a per-square-foot fee to approve construction projects.
Rama Rao remarked, "The credit goes to the employees if telangana is successfully delivering a transparent, disciplined, and self-certification building plan approval system." ghmc employees completed link road, flyover, and other municipal works when the entire country was confined to their homes during the lockdown. In a discussion about the Kanti Velugu program in the past, the minister recalled that the chief minister had asked about the arrangements for lodging for personnel traveling to rural areas. No other cm, he claimed, worries about every small matter the way the chief minister does.
The minister expressed his gratitude to the hyderabad municipal corporation-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">greater hyderabad municipal corporation personnel for opening 150 ward offices in the city today, noting that the idea to establish the ward offices had been put forth last month and that the ghmc team had carried it out smoothly. "I am confident that Municipal Administration staff from other States will visit hyderabad to learn about this ward offices concept," Rama Rao stated.
Visionary leaders like chief minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao receive revolutionary ideas since he consistently emphasises people-centric policies and governance. His calibre cannot be matched by regular leaders, the minister claimed. people once thought that what bengal did now, india will do tomorrow. According to him, things has altered so that india will now imitate what telangana does now.
Inspire by Telangana's welfare and development initiatives, the union government began executing such initiatives all over the country under various titles. He noted that Telangana's Rythu Bandhu served as inspiration for the PM Kisan Yojana, while Mission Bhagiratha served as a model for Har Ghar Jal, Urban Parks served as a model for nagar Vans, and Mission Kakatiya encouraged them to create Amrit Sarovar. The minister stated that the telangana model was about integrated, holistic, inclusive, and balanced growth in all sectors, and that both the agriculture and IT sectors were experiencing growth. telangana produced 33% of the 4.50 lakh employment created nationwide in the IT industry. He said that it went up to 44% last year.