Telangana will introduce a new program. Beginning next month, Gruha lakshmi will provide underprivileged women an Rs. 3 lakh grant to help them construct their own homes on their property, and starting on june 24, 1.5 lakh tribals will start receiving 'Podu' land titles covering 4 lakh acres. At the ceremonies for the state creation day on Friday, the chief minister, K. chandrasekhar Rao, made the announcements.
At the major official ceremony held at the state Secretariat, where the 21-day decennial festivities were officially launched, he stated that the Gruha lakshmi project is for the poor who own land but are unable to construct dwellings. The construction of each home under this program would be funded with Rs 3 lakh over three phases. For the execution of this project, the government would invest Rs 12,000 crore, which will result in the building of 4 lakh homes. The administration has also chosen to award house plots to qualified residents of the state as part of the decennial festivities. We will identify the deserving poor and provide them with land in their own villages.
The Chief Minister, widely known as KCR, stated that 1.5 lakh tribals will receive 4 lakh acres of 'Podu' land titles starting on june 24. This will enable indigenous people to realise a long-held dream. The government is giving the indigenous people land rights as a long-term solution to the issue of podu lands. Ownership rights over four lakh acres of podu lands are granted to as much as 1.50 lakh tribals who depend on forest resources. Additionally, steps are being conducted to implement the Rythu Bandhu programme on these areas.