Carrying excess liquor will land you in trouble in Telangana - Beware !!

If you enjoy drinking alcohol and are unsure of how much of it is truly legal to import into telangana for personal use or to distribute to friends or family, you should be aware of the excise regulations before making a purchase.
Up to 2 liters of foreign alcohol purchased at duty-free stores may be brought on board by passengers flying from outside the country. Additionally, people are only allowed to transport 4.5 liters of indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) and 7.5 liters of beer from licensed stores within the State for personal use, not for resale. Passengers on domestic flights and those traveling by road are both prohibited from carrying even one bottle of alcohol.
Recently, Excise minister V srinivas Goud ordered the relevant officers to take harsh action against anyone discovered in possession of alcohol in excess of what is authorized. Apart from smuggling groups, officers with the Excise Department noted that non-resident indians and visitors from other States are typically the ones who are found with alcohol in airports.
"When entering the country from overseas, a person is only permitted to bring in two bottles of alcohol per head. According to the telangana Excise Act, it is totally forbidden to bring any alcohol, even one bottle, on domestic flights, according to a senior officer from the Excise Department. However, a number of people recklessly board airplanes, luxury buses, trains, or their own cars while intoxicated, only to be stopped by security.
The source stated that it is the criminals and alcohol gangs who purchase bottles in bulk from other locations and attempt to smuggle them into the State. For instance, telangana forbids the selling of alcohol from Goa. Smugglers, however, charge a 20–30% premium. The telangana Excise Act and relevant parts of the IPC are used to charge those found bringing alcohol into the State illegally. If found guilty, they might receive a sentence of three to ten years in prison and a fine of up to Rs 1 lakh, or the amount the court deems appropriate.

People who are ignorant of the telangana Excise Act modification prohibiting the carrying of alcohol on domestic flights continue to query the Excise Department whenever cases are filed against them.
Recently, despite being allowed to carry a maximum of six spirits bottles per person according to the Customs Act, my friends from mumbai and goa were stopped at the RGIA airport with two bottles of alcohol in their possession. They were arrested and then given station bail, according to a city merchant.
Officials from the Excise Department have insisted that ongoing particular drives will be made to stop the flow of illicit alcohol.

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