The tamil Nadu government has been directed by the chennai High court not to take any step to building new institutions, with the exception of four temple-funded colleges. Several projects costing Rs. 1,500 crore were declared during the tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly's request for a grant from the Department of Hindu Religious Affairs. Colleges would be established at a cost of Rs 150 crore using cash from ten temples around the state, according to the document.
To carry out this announcement, the Secretary to the tamil Nadu government has granted permission to establish colleges in four locations: Mylapore Kabaliswarar temple in chennai Kolathur, Tiruchengode Arthanareeswarar temple on behalf of Paramathi Vellore, palani Dandayuthapani temple in Thoppampatti, and thiruchendur Subramania Swamy temple in Vilathikulam.
DR Ramesh, a chennai resident, has filed a lawsuit in the chennai High court, asking for the restriction to be lifted for the temple property to be used without following necessary procedures. According to the appeal, the state government does not have the authority to issue notices about the establishment of colleges under the Hindu Temples Act, and only the temple trustees do in order to grab money.