Are these the New cabinet ministers of AP?

frame Are these the New cabinet ministers of AP?


The ruling party of AP is showing colours every now and then.  Opposition leader arrests, cabinet meetings, elections are creating buzz already. The new ministers joining the party and their positions have become the hot topic now a days. Everyone is looking ahead on whom Jagan takes in to his cabinet. There  is a lot of curiosity among the public on the names that are going to be revealed by Jagan.  Two Ministers Pilli Subhash Chandra Bose and Mopidevi Venkata Ramana are going to Rajya sabha.  These two ministers belong to BCs.

Jagan is altready disappointed with three to four ministers . There is a confirmed news that he is completely dissatisfied with two ministers and he is going to remove them from cabinet. Among these two, one belongs to Godavari district.

Kamma Community Kodali Nani is the  only one from Gudivada in the cabinet. Now, along with him, there will be a chance for another Kamma to be a part of cabinet. Infact, Chilakaluripeta ex-MLA Marri Rajasekhar was promised guarantee seat by Jagan himself. More two MLAs names are also becoming famous these days. They are Kotaru Abbayya Choudary , Vasantha Krishna Prasad. So, Totally there will be a chance for one reddy, one Kamma, two BCs according to Analysts.

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