Number of Hospitalized Patients for Covid 19 at Wuhan is Zero


beijing sources stated that for the first time, the number of hospitalised Covid 19 patients in China's wuhan, where the virus first emerged before turning out to be a pandemic, on sunday dropped to zero. The last patient in wuhan was cured on friday, reducing the number of coronavirus patients in the city to zero. The health commission of Hubei province, whose capital is wuhan, said that no new confirmed cases or new deaths due to COVID-19 were reported on Saturday.


It said that 11 coronavirus patients were discharged from hospital after recovery in Wuhan. Hubei has so far reported 68,128 confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 50,333 in Wuhan. The result has been achieved with the “hard efforts of medical workers in Wuhan” and those who were dispatched to assist the city in the fight against the virus from across the country, said Mi Feng, a spokesperson for China's National health Commission (NHC). The city opened up on april 8 after a 76 day lockdown. Hubei and wuhan were in the thick of the coronavirus outbreak since early january this year, bearing the brunt of it.


china officially said that the coronavirus was noticed in late december in wuhan but announced severe measures like the lockdown of 56 million-strong province from january 23, which drew criticism from the US and other countries that it acted late, leading to its spread globally and there was a controversy about whether the virus, with the ability to transmit from human-to-human, emerged from the Huanan Seafood Market of wuhan or escaped from the wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) as alleged by the US.Moreover china also revised the death toll in wuhan by 50 per cent amidst criticism that it is underreporting the cases. Chinese Foreign Ministry officials said the revision was due to some late reports, omissions and inaccurate information in the initial stages.

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