Chennai Techie Swathi murder case - Complete police investigation details(CLEAR PHOTO OF MURDERER)

frame Chennai Techie Swathi murder case - Complete police investigation details(CLEAR PHOTO OF MURDERER)

Sekar Chandra
 Swathi murder case prevailed as a mystery for police and all knowing nothing about it and only thing that happened was spreading rumours across all platforms in past week. Police department were searching and investigating tirelessly from last week, The search was carried out with 10 special squads of police and searched in Tamilnadu, karnataka etc and atlast arrested him in Tirunelveli district's Meenatchipuram!

8 days 10 special squad... How Swathi killer arrest?

On 24 June early morning 6.30 am Swathi was murdered brutally by cutting her and forcing her to death by unknown guy! He thrown the murdered knife and also took Swathi's cellphone from her. The CCTV footages around railway station and the investigations with swathi's friends circle and tracking the phone conversations were actions used by police to catch the criminal!

Murder spot:

On June 24 morning 6:30 am swathi was murdered in Nungambakkam Railway station and the murderer took her phone that he switched off by 6:40 am! Again the mobile was swithched ON by 8:45 am.

Soolaimedu area:

Swathi murder case: Police inquiry S.V. Mansion in Choolai medu

According to police tracking and investigation the mobile was switched ON and OFF'd at Soolaimedu area and they confirmed that would be the living place of the victim.

CCTV footage:

The murderer planned and killed swathi on that day and he was caught in the CCTV footage near railway station and that was the only clue for police. As the data-face was not clear, they made use of some drawing and moreover got data-face of him.

Investigations in Soolaimedu:

With that picture of the victim got, the police investigated and searched throughout the Soolaimedu area and houses present there! Atlast a watchman in the mansion were the victim lived identified him in the photo!

Report from mansion:

The mansion officials confirmed the absence of the guy in past week after murder and police made a search in his room! With the details collected in his room it assured that the guy belongs to Tirunelveli district. Police sent his details to Nellai district police to get him.

Police surrounded:

Nellai police after getting the information went to respective place Meenatchipuram near Thenkasi and surrounded the victim who was in his home and the victim tried to cut his neck and attempted for suicide! Police recovered and arrested him and gave him hospitality treatment, was confirmed no danger on his life!

Oneside love:

Engineering graduate Ramkumar is the guy who murdered swathi. It is said that he was one sidedly loving swathi and he told her his love while swathi seems like ignored him. The guys who carried over by anger planned and killed swathi in railway station while she was about to get train to go to working place!


The main technique behind his arrest  is the tracking of swathi's cellphone and CCTV footage. Another thing is the knife used by victim is south districts based designed knife which is also confirmed. Now one more thing is one of his friend is involved in murder and police is searching for him. The mansion were Ramkumar lived was locked and investigation is carried out there from past night.

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