Why Hyderabad feels hot despite dip in temperatures ?

Hyderabad has a strange phenomenon wherein it feels warm even while the outside temperature drops. Despite the temperature being below a relatively moderate 36 degrees Celsius and rain pouring down, city dwellers are sweating, wiping their brows, and turning up their fans. Many people are now questioning what sort of magic is involved in this. The solution is in terrible humidity, according to the IMD-H.

The city's high temperature on saturday was 33.3 degrees Celsius, which is significantly lower than the average for May. However, the morning humidity was shockingly high at 71%, far beyond normal levels for that time of day. The weather on friday was not much better, with the day's temperature maintaining at 32.7 degrees Celsius but the miserable 81% humidity increasing.

Tuesday saw a 100% relative humidity at Eligaid in the peddapalli district. Rain increases relative humidity because of evaporation, claims Sravani, scientist-C at IMD-H. It's possible that water vapor isn't entirely present in the air where the rain is falling. However, as the air continuously absorbs water, the humidity will rise the longer it rains. "The maximum temperatures may be low, but the excessive humidity will make it uncomfortable. Even at temperatures below 40 degrees Celsius, it will rise above 75% and even reach 100%, according to the expert.

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