Kumari 21F First Week Collections

teja surya

Sukumar's maiden Production venture, Kumari 21F is heading towards a big hit. The movie which released even in dull November, is doing well even on the Week days. The movie already achieved breakeven in the first week itseld. The movie was made with a budget of 4 Crore with out the remunerations of DSP and Rathnavelu.

The movie is now expected to recover upto or around 15 Cr from all Rights including Satellite rights. Raj Tharun had achieved a rare hat-trick success with this film after his first two films - Uyyala Jampala and Cinema Chupistha Maava. Every one involved in the trade are likely to get Super profits from the movie. Here is the breakup of Kumari 21F First Week Collections:

Nizam3.8 Crore
Ceeded97 Lakhs
Uttarandhra95 Lakhs
Guntur61.62 Lakhs
East68.24 Lakhs
West56.53 Lakhs
Krishna62.18 Lakhs
Nellore13.86 Lakhs

AP+Nizam8.34 Crore

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