Massive Opening: 'Eagle' Rakes Millions.!

Sindujaa D N
The recently released movie "Eagle," featuring mass Maharaja ravi Teja, has been making waves in the entertainment industry. Helmed by the talented director Karthik Ghattamaneni, the film, produced by People's media Factory, stars Kavya Tapper and anupama parameswaran as the leading heroines.

 The movie, which generated positive buzz with its intriguing posters and teaser trailer, lived up to expectations by garnering solid collections on its first day, earning a spot among the highest-grossing openings in ravi Teja's career. "Eagle" has continued its success over the weekend, attracting full house audiences in many areas.

According to the latest reports from the film unit, "Eagle" has achieved another milestone at the box office, accumulating gross collections exceeding 30 crores in its first three days. The film's success has been notable not only in mass areas but also in class areas, marking one of the fastest films in ravi Teja's career to reach the 30 crore milestone. 

The movie's real test is anticipated to begin from Monday, and despite the strong bookings and positive response, its sustained performance will be closely observed. With no major competing releases and the absence of recent films receiving significant praise, "Eagle" is expected to continue its strong performance throughout the week. 

Originally slated for a sankranti release earlier in the year, the film's date was strategically changed to avoid intense competition, a decision that has seemingly paid off given its current success.

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