Saba Azad suffered huge loss due to dating Hrithik?

Saba azad suffered huge loss due to dating Hrithik? 

Saba azad has been dating actor hrithik roshan for a long time. The actress is often spotted with Hrithik at different events. Apart from this, the couple has also shared many photos together on social media. At the same time, Saba has now revealed that due to dating Hrithik, she did not get voice over work for two years. Saba azad has expressed her anger by posting several stories on Instagram. She has been seen raging at those directors who did not give her work thinking that she was dating a big star. Saba has shared a photo of her from the recording studio and has posted many more.

Are we really still living in the dark ages?

Saba wrote- 'Back to my natural habitat, recording voice after more than 2 years! In the next post, she wrote- 'Are we really still living in the dark ages where we believe that once a woman is in a relationship with a successful partner, she no longer needs to put food on her table?? Or pay his rent and bills? Or take pride in her work and take care of herself and her family?'

'This is one dimensional patriarchal and backward mindset'

Saba further writes- 'What an archaic notion is this! So I basically lost an entire career that I absolutely loved and appreciated because people thought I didn't need to work anymore! This is sadly one dimensional patriarchal and backward mindset.'

Said this about relationship with Hrithik Roshan

The actress wrote in the next post- 'for those who don't know about this, when two strong independent people come together, they don't give up their identity or their life and career to do so. They maintain their individual identities and share freedom and power.'

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