A famous actor who started a foundation to help poor students who want to continue studying Surya

A famous actor who started a foundation to help poor students who want to continue studying surya - Vishal!

Actor Udaya announced the launch of the Valliammai Alagappan education Foundation in his mother's name on his birthday to provide support for unhindered education. In a statement issued by actor Udaya, it has been said that, Greetings to all. With your best wishes, I am very happy to share with you the information about starting an educational foundation today on my birthday. I started this charitable organization in memory of my late mother Valliammai Alagappan education Trust. We have created it to enable deserving poor children to get the education of their choice without hindrance. I have arranged free education for many children through the educational institutes I know, even as a member of the Executive Committee of the South indian Actors Association and also those who have approached me personally. Now I am going to continue it through the Valliammai Alagappan education Foundation established in my mother's name.

Education is a very important thing. That too the students should learn the education they desire. We aim to ensure that children who have lost their parents, children brought up by single parents, and students whose parents are economically disadvantaged and cannot continue their education continue their formal education. If they contact us, our team will provide the necessary educational assistance. Although there are already many such foundations, the number of students who need help is also high. At the same time, educational institutions also provide free education to many students. Therefore, through this foundation, we must help needy students through educational institutions that are well known to us and many other educational institutions. I am very happy to launch this foundation in the name of our mother today, my birthday. Through this foundation, we are starting this new journey with the support of the chancellors and owners of educational institutions and with the blessings of all of you. Actor Suriya is already educating many students through the Akaram Foundation. Similarly, vishal started the Devi Foundation in his mother's name and is doing various things through it.

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