Due to the unexpected success of Prashanth Varma's "HanuMan," the director's declaration regarding a sequel has gained a lot of attention. Even though he declared "Jai HanuMan" to be the film's sequel, casting whispers are now making the rounds everywhere. Furthermore, a lot of rumors have been made about the director meeting several heroes; however, it appears that not all of them are accurate.
It appears that information about who would portray HanuMan or the second superhero in this sequel film is a part of the Prashanth varma Cinematic Universe has surdata-faced. Either yash or ranveer singh will play the role. Though ranveer singh is eager to work with Prashanth, no firm plans have been announced as of yet. rocky Bhai from KGF, on the other hand, is not playing a part in Prashanth's future movie and has not expressed interest in appearing in the director's next project. As of right now, all of the rumors surrounding jai HanuMan's casting are but that—rumors.
Megastar chiranjeevi, on the other side, expressed his gratitude to Prashanth varma for the film, but he is unlikely to play Lord Hanuman since he is a devoted follower of Anjaneyaswamy and does not want to portray that character on screen.