Ranbir and Alia’s daughter Raha shown to the public..?

Bollywood star couple ranbir kapoor and alia bhatt had happily celebrated christmas on Monday, they have shown their baby Raha's data-face to the fans for the first time. alia bhatt and ranbir kapoor, the leading actor-actress in bollywood, got married in april 2022. Their wedding was very grand, with many bollywood stars attending and congratulating them. Alia-Ranbir couple announced that they are pregnant after 2 months of marriage by publishing a scan photo of the baby. After getting pregnant... even though she was temporarily away from the film industry, alia used to publish various photo shoot photos on social media from time to time.

Furthermore as alia bhatt was 2 months pregnant before her marriage, a beautiful baby girl was born in a hospital in mumbai in november itself. After 6 months of giving birth, alia is focusing on the film industry again. Also recently, ranbir kapoor starrer Animal directed by sandeep Reddy Vanga has grossed over 700 crores despite some negative reviews.

Moreover both alia and Ranbir are very busy in acting but they spend a lot of time with their children. In this case... today on christmas Day, after lunch... came out of the house and congratulated the fans. Then they brought their beloved daughter Raha. Through this, the Alia-Ranbir couple has shown their daughter to the fans and the media for the first time. It is noteworthy that this photo is going viral.

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