Samantha Ruth Prabhu, a well-known celebrity in the South indian film industry, is now enjoying a great moment in her acting career and has some exciting projects in the works. Regarding her private life, the stunning actress has motivated her admirers and supporters by embracing her medical condition with bravery and elegance.
For those who don't know, samantha was diagnosed with myositis last year. The actress took a leave of absence from her work and traveled to the united states to receive treatment. She later returned to the industry and continued working on the projects she had committed to. According to the most recent information, samantha Ruth Prabhu, who has completed all of the initiatives she was committed to, is going to take a second hiatus from the business to start her recovery process.
Members of the actress's crew who are also close friends are devastated by her choice. The close friend and hair stylist of the Citadel actress, Rohit Bhatkar, recently sent a sweet message for her on his official instagram account along with a few gorgeous, never-before-seen photos of their priceless times spent together. Stay tuned for more updates.