Another sports drama biopic is all set to hit the silver screen. Right now everyone is talking about the film 'Arjun Chakravarthy' - journey of an Unsung Champion' directed by Vikrant Rudra. The film is based on the real-life story of a Kabaddi player who represented india in the 1980s. The makers have recently released the first look of this movie. It is attracting everyone's attention. In the first look, arjun Chakravarthy (played as Vijaya Ramaraju) was seen in the middle of the stadium with a medal in his hand and a happy data-face on his data-face. Further, the letters written in the poster saying 'Arjun Chakraborty's influence on indian Kabaddi is equal to Kapil Dev's influence on indian cricket in the 1980s' have taken the expectations of the movie to another level. Also, Arjun's inspiring story is arousing curiosity.
Actor Vijaya ramaraju and Sija Rose are playing the lead roles in this movie. Srini Gubbala is the producer. Movieteam says that the film shows the struggles and successes of a sportsperson's life in a natural way. A top technical team is working for this movie. The film will be released in Hindi, malayalam and kannada languages along with telugu and Tamil. producer Srini Gubbala said, "Arjun chakravarthy is not just a film, it is a tribute to people who overcome challenges and inspire us all."