Recently Rohit confirmed deepika will be joining the Singham and cop universe during the promotions of Cirkus last year. “We are making Singham next. Everyone kept asking me who is the lady cop in my universe. So today, let me confirm that deepika padukone will be the lady Singham, the lady cop in Singham 3. We start shooting next year,” rohit shetty said. Kareena recently took to Insatgram to share a photo from the sets of Rohit Shetty’s film and dubbed him her favourite filmmaker. Kareena, who was a part of Singham Returs (2014), is rumoured to be a part of the upcoming Singham Again.
Deepika Padukone’s first look as the lady Singham has been released and she has been getting a lot of praise from all corners. The actress took to her social media handle on sunday and shared the look which in no time went viral. Fans were impressed with their lady Singham. Many celebrities also reacted to the poster including kareena kapoor Khan. She even reposted it on her handle but fans were a little puzzled as to why she is not following deepika on social handles.
Reddit shared it on their thread. Fans were even seen commenting saying Bebo doesn’t follow deepika Padukone. One of the fans wrote, “When asked who looks the best with Saif, Kareena said deepika on kwk so I don’t think she doesn’t like her or something.” Another fan wrote, “Kareena follows every A list actress, even nepo girlies except for Deepika. deepika follows Kareena though, is there any tea here?”. “Bebo is just jealous ya! Bebo cannot stand anyone who gives her a tough competition Also DP is the most relevant one at the moment and she will definitely steal the limelight again with this film,” a comment read.
In the poster, deepika is suited up in a police universe and holds a gun in her hand. The gun in placed in a man’s mouth while deepika has a sinister smile while blood was seen oozing from her forehead and shoulder. Sharing the poster, Rohit wrote, “Naari sita ka bhi roop hai aur durga ka bhi… Meet the most brutal and violent officer of our cop universe… shakti Shetty… My lady Singham… deepika Padukone.”